Thursday, 26 September 2013

Beware of NETWORK Bulls placement frauds techniques

I am a student of NETWORK BULLS . Master fraud Vikas Kumar -Triple CCIE in 18 attempts and biggest fraud till date in training business .

These people are beating their students like dogs with the help of bouncers . They have no results in CCIE Security for last 6 years . I would suggest any student to talk to its owner and see he cannot speak in english properly .He has no subject knowledge .

History of this fraud .

He is a former student of NETWORKERS HOME ,another  institute . He and Pradeep Yadav were partner into last company NETWORK GURU which is based in gurgaon opposite Networkbulls . Both are only about big talk and nothing else . These guys drink with thier students on each CCIE R&S result .

Facts about placement :

I challenge NETWORK Bull and its fraud owner to produce a single letter of tieup for company placement .Failed students with over 3 Lakhs including attempt ,Training and 1 year waste are getting 2.5 lakh to 3.5 Lakhs job and these shamefull people record thier videos and call it that they placed these candidates .I am planning to go full swing against these frauds .

Here is the list of big frauds without any placement network .


I came from Hyderabad to Gurgaon to do my CCIE due to thier false promise but got into trap .Atleast hyderbad institues are better as they donot make false promise on placement side .

Here are my some point .

 Just put this information to prove that your claims are not false .

1. How many total number till date and why your website does not even show 100 number in last 6 years .
2. Asia biggest ,india biggest ,gurgoan biggest .How many times you went to other institutes before making a claim sitting in your own small shop .
3. Put your placement tieup with Dimension data and HCL etc .I have already complaints and soon you will be behind bars for illegally using these BIG MNC LOGO on your site .

Stop fooling people .Time to sell your BMW .Uptill last 2 years this fraud was driving motorcycle ,now using false logo and placement tieup .Each video and website snapshot is going against you and soon you will see results of your wrong doing .


  1. CCNP past student here;

    please stay away from this institute. It is a run down institute. They take your money and dont deliver training as promised. Also the 4xCCIE is a crook and very dishonest businessman. He has pictures of awards that NG won, not sure how they get such award - probably bought them. He got pictures of award winning ceremonies all over the office and the equipments are not even working. The centre is filthy and stinky and YOU WILL NOT LEARN anything. Instructors are inexperienced and under qualiefied. No one there has teaching training. The use the 4xCCIE to promote the institute - probably cheated his way through 4xCCIE. When Pradeep (4xCCIE)teaches - you get confused, but when Nitin sir teaches who is not CCIE you may get lucky and learn 1 or 2 things... What a joke.

    Please stay away from Networkers Guru. Save your money. Got to the internet - you will get CCNA and CCNP material for free or look elsewhere....

    But please - as a past student - I'm telling all future Cisco aspirant, stay away from Networkers Guru and DONT LISTEN TO anyone who is trying to sell the Networkers Guru is great - they are lying.

    4xCCIE guy may have 4 CCIE but he does not know how to teach. And he will make excuses that he is busy doing side business (he pronounces business "bishnish") - what an idiot !! He will take the money and then make you beg for classes... sitting in reception waiting to get your schedule of next classes...

    Please just stay away - they are liars and crooks

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I agree with you they never provide pacements

  3. Friends beware of Network bull they use fake technique to misguide candidate and gave them fake promises for JOB GURANTEE it's fake if someone want to go for learning purpose so enroll for ccna and ccnp but not ccie because they do not provide job gurantee after completion of course they keep to waiting and only if someone force them they send them formality 2 companies all predifined scheme so be ware i lost my 150000 please don't loose yours by friend.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. woow..i am from kerala and i want to study ccie.networkbulls and networkers home are my preference.which one will be better .thank you

    1. You have done CCIE R&S ? can you contact me ? Now I am planning to do CCIE. I am also from kerala. This blog confused me little bit. My number is 9544539307. I have some querries. Please. .contact me.

  5. This institute is Fake in term of 100% placement guarantee, They are giving good technical knowledge but there promise for job guarantee is Fake… I am student from Network bulls sitting unemployed my course was completed in November but still I am unemployed they are not providing me interviews.. not only me but all my batch mates are unemployed.

  6. which institute is best for networking field (i.e ccna, ccnp, ccie)

  7. Will not provide job guarantee although they promise written job guarantee .They have taken big premises to fool freshers but training quality is poor .Digital marketing team is doing lots of fake good reviews .Main business is job guarantee scheme ,if you want quality this is not the place .I know over 500 people who are jobless after their promise and only 25 people who got job .

  8. Any one which institute is best in Delhi/NCR
    Network bulls kaisa institute hai and placement 100% hai ya nhi

  9. They are the worst people saw rilldate.

  10. Guys,
    From your comment I understand either NG or network bull both do not provide placement.
    I am working professional and do not need placement from these institute.

    Please suggest me from technical and quality training which should I choose.

  11. Guys,

    Thanks for your information and intimation to Networking Aspirants.

    can you please provide information about networkers home.

  12. I was about to join network bulls
    Thank god u saved me
    How's the koenig solutions?

  13. Name Bare Aur Darshan Chote!!!!

    Thanks to your blog, you saved me from being a fooled. They are doing frauds and making fake commitments. Now which one institute we should go for Cisco certification for training.

  14. Tatti Blog,,, for rest if you are following this blog, means you belong to RAHUL GANDHI category

    1. Aur tu modi ki category. Saale 2 take ke anpadh

    2. Haa chodu tabhi tuh abhi Berozgar ghum rha Pappu "Ataa 40 rs/litre"... Abe chal ch****

  15. How is networksbull?
    I recently plan to join networksbull they said only on the basis of ccie integrated training they provide placement is that true? I also contact with alumni of networkbulls they said everything good about it but after reading this blog I am confused. I also heard about I medita pune that this institute is good....please guide me about it

    1. hii, have you joined any institute for networking, if joined which institute you joined and why? please mail me your mobile number i have few queries my mail

  16. Hello Everyone, I want to join NETWORKING INSTITUTE, so kindly Reference to me, Which Networking Institute is GooD Placement and Location of that institute. Please share with me. I want to do program. Please Guide me.

    1. Do CCIE from Either NB or NH but dont expect a job for more than 3.5 lacs.
      Everyone starts small in IT and goes higher as you learn and perform in your Job.

  17. Ng or network bulls which one is better.

  18. Thnks guys ...
    Bacha liya yr tum sab n, m toh j rha tha security integrated course k liye ab yeh bhi bta do ki ab m kahan s join karun jo mujhe job bhi provide kra de
    Networkers home , ya koi or ho

  19. Fake institute after completing training they will say your communication skills are not good one more thing their ccie r&s is completely waste they will say kam se kam ccie security kari hoti tabi job lag sakti thi

  20. some people are saying good stuff some are fake....But like me all other beginner people have no clue which one is to join and why..anyone who is experienced in networking can suggest which institute to join.

  21. I have published a blog for subnetting practice also will provided CCNA | CCNP | CCIE
